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Health & Nutrition
Global Action HPV U-Report Poll 31st May 2024
May 2024
World Menstruation Hygiene Day 20th May 2024
May 2024
World Menstruation Hygiene Day 20th May 2024 - Updated
May 2024
Nutrition NCDs Chatbot - Evaluation Polls and Other Resources Send Message
March 2024
Nutrition NCDs Chatbot - How to improve the food environment
March 2024
Nutrition NCDs Chatbot - Doing Regular Physical Activity
March 2024
Nutrition NCDs Chatbot - Eating Nutritious Food
March 2024
Nutrition NCDs Chatbot - Understanding NCDs
March 2024
Nutrition NCDs Chatbot - Main (Topic Selection)
March 2024
Nutrition NCDs Chatbot - Alert
March 2024
Nutrition NCDs Chatbot - Alert
October 2023
Measles Uptake Poll 10th March 2023
March 2023
BeSD Measles poll - 10th March 2023
March 2023
BeSD Measles poll - 10th March 2023
March 2023
Mental health of South African youth (October 2022)
October 2022
Sexual Reproductive Health (poll 3)
September 2022
Impact of Covid-19 on nutrition
February 2022
Healthy Lifestyle physical activity (poll 3/3)
January 2022
Healthy Lifestyle poll - dietary habits (poll 2/3)
January 2022
Healthy Lifestyle poll - eating habits (poll 1 /3)
January 2022
Mental health follow-up poll
September 2021
Young people's perception of Covid-19 vaccine
August 2021
Mental Health poll
May 2021
Adherence to SRH and HIV services in time of COVID-19
April 2021
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene poll during Covid-19 lockdown period
May 2020
Mental health of young people (first survey)
February 2020
Engaging young people on HIV and PrEP - poll 3
August 2019
Engaging young people on HIV and PrEP - poll 2
August 2019
Engaging young people on HIV and PrEP
July 2019
Learning about food and nutrition habits of young people
February 2019
RealTalk with Adolescents on HIV
July 2018
Youth Participation
Climate change poll - Oct 2022
October 26, 2022
Hi U-Reporter! Ahead of the UN Climate Change Conference COP 27 (06-18 November 2022) we want to hear how you and your peers experience, respond to and cope with climate and environmental impacts. Reply YES to participate.
3,589 responded out of 114,319 polled
Would you like to share your views on how climate change impacts you and how you can or do respond? Please reply with YES to continue
2,614 responded out of 3,433 polled
Before we start the poll, tell us a bit about yourself. Please tell us your Gender. Are you male or female?
1,208 responded out of 1,279 polled
Would you say you have been directly affected by a climate or environment related event?
2,070 responded out of 2,150 polled
How were you impacted by the climate or environment related event?
1,909 responded out of 2,026 polled
Have concerns about climate change impacts made you reconsider whether you'd like to start a family?
1,795 responded out of 1,909 polled
Have you thought about moving to another area to avoid potential impact of floods, drought, air or water pollution?
1,726 responded out of 1,795 polled
Do you think you are receiving the information, training and skills to help you prepare for and respond to climate change impacts?
1,655 responded out of 1,726 polled
What support or services do you think you need most to help you prepare for and respond to climate change impacts?
1,581 responded out of 1,655 polled
You mentioned "Other" category, please specify by writing 1-3 lines here
57 responded out of 72 polled
Do you feel that girls and boys are impacted in the same way by climate related issues?
1,530 responded out of 1,566 polled
Do you think COP 26 last year resulted in any positive impact on climate action?
1,460 responded out of 1,530 polled
You mentioned "Other" category, please specify by writing 1-3 lines here
98 responded out of 146 polled
What would be your message to world leaders for the upcoming COP27 climate summit? Please write 2-3 lines
796 responded out of 1,412 polled
Please share a story using #ClimateResponse about how you have engaged in responding to climate related crises and nominate a friend to share their story.
280 responded out of 796 polled
See by the numbers how we are engaging youth voices for positive social change.