UNICEF would like to hear your views and opinions about the measles outbreak and response in South Africa. Your feedback will be used to improve on the measles vaccine service delivery across South Africa.
Would you like to participate?
Besides measles, which other diseases do vaccines protect children against?
Please list them here.......
8,579 responded out of 10,946 polled
If you had questions or wanted to discuss vaccines, where would you go for advice/ who would you speak to?
8,164 responded out of 8,624 polled
Please tell us, what do you think would help people in your neighbourhood/community remember to get their children vaccinated?
List options...
6,945 responded out of 8,196 polled
That's it for now, thank you for participating. If you would like to get more tips on measles and learn more on other topics such as mental health, floods etc. Simply send INFO to U-Report.